有些人覺得當難過時要聽那些開心的歌曲為自己打氣,而我覺得不然。每當自己有著低沉的情緒,我會依照不同程度與頻率的哀勳來選擇不一樣的歌曲,就像選擇清淡或甜膩的食物一樣(突然想到如果要用食物來形容這首歌的話,大概是鬆餅之類的),一切都以心情為指標。大概也是因為自己是個樂觀的人吧,與其強顏歡笑還不如哭一哭讓情緒隨著眼淚流去,然後就能破涕為笑了。不過也不是哭一哭就不需要去面對,面對一些事情真的需要勇氣,而只有極少數的歌曲能在一片濫情之中給予人一點面對的勇氣,就像這首歌Evil And Flowers (Piano Version)。
這首是收錄在Bonnie Pink的Evil And Flowers這張專輯裡。邦妮小姐的歌曲面貌多變,卻是鮮少做出偏標準慢(K)歌的歌曲(我的記憶中是Forget Me Not這種歌曲偏多)。而這首歌我初次聽的時候就瘋狂放了兩百多次,之後的很久的時間都不太放了,連自己都覺得是不是把一輩子的額度給用完了(笑)。不過最近我又開始放起這首歌,大概是剛好遇到一些事情會讓人覺得真的很需要面對的勇氣,dark night,dark night will come over soon. then you must go.
You can find evil everywhere
aiming at your flowers
Run and run and hide as you may,
they will catch you
No one alive can see them
They show themselves as flowers fall
then you must go
go somewhere to find yourself
if you cannot help yourself
though evil and flowers both come and go
You shall find no choice anyway
passing vacant hours
kinda long for you to tide over
who knows where to belong
We're always petrified and tied
wish I could climb a ladder
dark night, dark night will come over soon
then you must go
go somewhere to find yourself
if you cannot help yourself
though evil and flowers both come and go
evil and flowers